
Water Conservancy And HydropowerApplications


Water Conservancy And Hydropower

Hydroelectric dams and other hydraulic buildings are located underwater, dams, energy dissipation facilities, tunnels, metal structures, berms, etc,and always with different degrees of structural wear, erosion, underwater siltation, leakage and other underwater engineering problems. Therefore,the demand for detection is very huge. The current manual inspection has a depth close to the limit of the human body (60 meters), scattered leakage points, multiple equipment scattered, labor-intensive, high requirements for technical personnel experience, limited underwater light source, rapid water flow, limited operating space, difficult to detect the source of lake data, multi-period detection data can not be effectively compared, etc., the new technology of underwater robotics to improve the efficiency and accuracy of underwater inspection, Pengpai series ROV, ARV and other underwater robots can be combined with camera, detection sonar and 3D scanning sonar to effectively detect the structure of hydroelectric dams and offshore piers, which can effectively improve the reliability and efficiency of underwater inspection.

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Scenario Case

Underwater crawling robot for dam surface inspection

Face plate dam body structure is often used in hydropower stations. After a period of work, cracks and deformation may exist in the underwater dam slope. Because of the slope angle of dam body structure, ordinary underwater robots are difficult to play a role on the slope surface. The underwater crawling robot can move the robots closely to and fro on the slope surface to complete the detection task. The underwater crawling robot developed by Pengpai Marine Corporation has realized the detection function of deep water leakage of dam body and can assist the maintenance work of reservoir management department.  

Detection of various holes in Hydropower Station

There are some important holes for diversion and drainage in the structure of hydropower station. Flood ups and downs, resulting in high flow rate and strong sediment carrying capacity of the river, will cause great erosion damage to these pore structures, which requires regular inspection and maintenance. The Pengpai Marine Underwater Vehicle can help customers complete holographic data acquisition and video recording of water intakes, flood discharge holes, sand scouring bottom holes and downstream stilling pools in the upstream area of the dam.  

Health inspection of hydropower station tunnel

Pengpai Ocean Robots have the ability to assist customers with tunnel detection. ARV series products are used for data observation to confirm the repair status of structural plane inside the tunnel. Sound imaging can help to reconstruct the internal structure of the tunnel and judge whether there are large cracks and other faults in the tunnel by carrying sonar to detect the inside of the tunnel.