
Scientific ResearchApplications


Scientific Research

Oceans cover more than two thirds of the earth's surface and are rich in oil and gas resources, biological resources, space resources and renewable energy resources. It makes life possible and sustains human society. However, the global ocean has not been explored to a large extent. Marine underwater equipment plays an irreplaceable role in the process of people's understanding and utilization of the ocean. It is the basis and guarantee for understanding, developing, utilizing, protecting and safeguarding the ocean rights and interests.

Scenario Case

Ocean currents, eddies and vortices scientific research

Ocean currents are continuous flows that cross the ocean, such as bay currents, smaller periodic flows in coastal waters and open oceans. They are mainly formed by differences in temperature, density and water pressure as wind blows across the ocean surface and are controlled by the rotation of the Earth, the position of the continents and the topography of the seafloor. Circulation is a spiral cycle thousands of miles in diameter with huge permanent currents at the edge; Swirls are small, temporary swirl water cycles that can travel a long distance before dissipating.  

Ocean currents, circulations and eddies play a vital role in the physical shaping of the surface and seabed. Transport and mixing of energy, chemicals and other substances within and between marine basins; And the maintenance of countless marine-dependent animals and plants, including humans. These characteristics are an important part of the global ocean circulation, and their effects can extend down a few miles to reach the bottom in some places.  

Various series of AUVs in Pengpai Ocean have been purchased by several scientific research institutes for several times to carry out marine science research, obtaining a large number of observation profiles. By observing the distribution characteristics of various elements, such as temperature, salt, chlorophyll, dissolved oxygen and biological distribution near each scale eddy, and at the same time observing the distribution of nutrient salts and the change process of different chemical elements with depth, time and space, the evolution mechanism of ocean motion is fully revealed.

Exploring the ocean floor and anything beneath it

From plate tectonics to the underwater mountains that span the Earth, the seafloor and beneath it is a vast field. Mineral-rich fluids rise from deep within the ocean crust and mix with cold ocean water. This triggers the precipitation of minerals, which forms sediments near the seafloor, and the precipitated minerals also form the "smoky flesh" of the seafloor, where mineral particles make these fluids look like smoke. For example, a vent site that scientists call the "Roman ruins" is located in the eastern Bismarck Sea Manus Basin, south of New Ireland Island in Papua New Guinea. Oil naturally seeps into the ocean from cracks in the sea floor. The oil is lighter than seawater and will rise to the surface. Approximately 20 to 25 tons of oil are discharged each day.  

Pengpai’s full range of underwater robots can assist researchers in finding hydrothermal vents and mapping the bathymetry of mid-ocean ridges; they can also use Pengpai cluster AUVs to observe ridges, explore trenches, discover mountains in the sea, and map bathymetry.

Polar exploration

The polar regions are experiencing unprecedented environmental changes that have significant potential impacts on global climate, ecosystems, and human society, such as the Arctic's complex circulation system that affects the entire food web in a delicate balance. In recent years, scientists have documented changes in the Arctic system, including a dramatic reduction in sea ice cover and a weakening of the Beaufort circulation system, resulting in climate change that affects human life globally, making the Arctic Ocean, and the changes taking place there, a focus of intensive study for all oceanographers. The "PX" series of AUVs are well positioned to assist research teams in conducting effective and safe surveys and acquiring data.