
Maritime ResearchApplications


Maritime Research

Marine oil spills have occurred countless times. The spilled oil not only brings great damage and loss to the natural environment and marine ecology and organisms, but also to human production and life and social and economic properties. Oil spill at sea is not only distributed on the sea surface and the seabed, but also a large amount of oil spill is suspended in the water in the form of oil in water and water in oil, forming oil spill plume.PX series AUV is an important tool and means to efficiently detect underwater oil spill plume and obtain high-resolution oil spill data because of its high autonomy and flexibility, especially real-time online decision making and planning based on sensor information.

Scenario Case

Tanker oil spill maritime accident investigation

In 2021, a collision between two foreign vessels occurred in Qingdao waters. The collision caused damage to a cargo tank of the tanker and a small amount of oil spill was found on the sea surface. The PX-210AUV was used as a platform to carry relevant sensors to detect the oil spill plume in the relevant waters.  
