
AUV Series

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Medium AUV System



Medium AUV system, product code PX-324, outer diameter 324mm, weight 300kg, is a flagship AUV with high intelligence and strong detection capability, and uses a number of international leading core technologies. The PX-324AUV can be deployed on a variety of platforms, such as shore-based, ship-based or submarine, to perform reconnaissance, search and mine-clearing missions.


Medium AUV system, product code PX-324, outer diameter 324mm, weight 300kg, is a flagship AUV with high intelligence and strong detection capability, and uses a number of international leading core technologies. The PX-324AUV can be deployed on a variety of platforms, such as shore-based, ship-based or submarine, to perform reconnaissance, search and mine-clearing missions.


(In December 2020, PX-324AUV completed downsweep operation at a depth of 2040 meters in the Northwest Pacific Sea area)


  • Multi task product

    Multi task product

    The maximum working water depth is 2000m; Powerful endurance capability, configurations can be selected from 100km-300km, and configurations with higher endurance can be customized

  • High degree of modularity

    High degree of modularity

    Modular cabin design, customized user payload bay, strong expansion capacity.

  • Superior performance

    Superior performance

    All indicators have reached the international leading level


Physical Size
324mm (D) ×4m(L)
3300Kg (standard), 30Kg payload
Working depth
Velocity range
Propulsion mode
Standard propeller propulsion + cross /X rudder control; Optional vertical auxiliary propeller, vertical diving and floating, dynamic positioning; Optional vector propeller for high maneuverability
EnduranceNo less than 20 hours (3kn) in basic configuration,can be extended to 50 hours (3kn) or 300km range
NavigationINS+DVL+GNSS+USBL integrated navigation, navigation accuracy 0.3%/0.5%/1% range (customizable)
CommunicationUHF, WiFi, 4G, Satellite-based communication, underwater acoustic communication
SoftwareIndependently developed software control system, with friendly human-computer interaction visual interface, can provide users with secondary development, post-task data processing and analysis, technical maintenance and other support; You can customize functions such as collaborative networking and data driving
Movement patterns
Track tracking, autonomous navigation, depth and altitude navigation, with independent obstacle avoidance, support for surface remote control, beyond-of-sight remote control, remote communication functions
Ancillary facility
Integrated ground control station
Extendable sensor
Underwater CCD, CTD, altimeter, obstacle avoidance sonar, side scan sonar, multi beam sonar, shallow section sonar, USBL, hydrophone, etc
The above is the standard configuration of the product parameters, each product can be customized according to customer requirements

Application field

  • Marine engineering survey

  • Military applications

  • Scientific research

Use and Delivery Cases

It is widely used in the front line of the company s offshore engineering business, with a total range of 4000 kilometers, more than 1000 times of submergence, a maximum operating depth of 2040 meters, and rich experience in actual combat.