
AUV Series

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Large AUV Series



PX-553 large AUV system, is an autonomous underwater vehicle system with large displacement that is completely independently developed by the POET, with a weight of 1 ton - 1.5 tons and a maximum working depth of 6000 meters.The system is highly modular and intelligent. Equipped with special LARS, automatic distribution and recovery can be realized. Equipped with integrated deck container, set transportation storage, data processing, equipment maintenance and other functions as one. 


PX-553 large AUV system, is an autonomous underwater vehicle system with large displacement that is completely independently developed by the POET, with a weight of 1 ton - 1.5 tons and a maximum working depth of 6000 meters.The system is highly modular and intelligent. Equipped with special LARS, automatic distribution and recovery can be realized. Equipped with integrated deck container, set transportation storage, data processing, equipment maintenance and other functions as one. 


  • Multi task product

    Multi task product

    The maximum working water depth is 6000m; Maximum endurance 1000km; Capable of polar operation

  • High degree of modularity

    High degree of modularity

    Modular cabin design, customized user load cabin, strong expansion capability

  • High reliability

    High reliability

    Safe and reliable, equipped with a complete emergency system, can low power at sea without power self-sustaining communication for 60 days


Physical Size
533mm (D) ×5m(L)
1200Kg (standard), 150Kg Payload
Working depth
Velocity range
Propulsion mode
Tail propeller propulsion + cross /X rudder control, optional vertical auxiliary propeller, vertical diving and floating, dynamic positioning
EnduranceNot less than 90 hours (3kn) in basic configuration, can be extended to 180 hours (3kn) or 1000Km range
INS+DVL+GNSS+USBL combined navigation precision 0.3% range, SLAM and data-driven capabilities
UHF, WiFi, 4G, Satellite-based communication, underwater acoustic communication
SoftwareIndependently developed software control system, with friendly human-computer interaction visual interface, can provide users with secondary development, post-task data processing and analysis, technical maintenance and other support; You can customize functions such as collaborative networking and data driving
Ancillary facility
Integrated ground control station
Extendable sensor
Underwater CCD, CTD, altimeter, obstacle avoidance sonar, side-scan sonar, multi-beam sonar, shallow profile sonar, USBL, hydrophone, etc
The above is the standard configuration of the product parameters, each product can be customized according to customer requirements

Application field

  • Deep sea prospecting

  • Military survey

  • Marine engineering business survey

  • Physical Marine operations survey

  • Ecological business Survey


Use and Delivery Cases
