
AUV/ROV-based Marine Engineeri

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AUV/ROV-based Marine Engineering Services



PX series auv/rov products have the characteristics of modularization, high reliability, convenient deployment and recovery, and can carry a variety of detection loads such as ADCP, multi beam sonar, side scan sonar, CTD, turbidity meter, pH meter, camera, shallow section sonar, etc. Surging ocean provides customers with a variety of exclusive marine engineering services, including equipment leasing, business survey data acquisition, underwater search, rescue and salvage, etc.


PX series auv/rov products have the characteristics of modularization, high reliability, convenient deployment and recovery, and can carry a variety of detection loads such as ADCP, multi beam sonar, side scan sonar, CTD, turbidity meter, pH meter, camera, shallow section sonar, etc. Surging ocean provides customers with a variety of exclusive marine engineering services, including equipment leasing, business survey data acquisition, underwater search, rescue and salvage, etc. 

The POET will explore the ocean with you!

Application field

  • Scientific Ocean Data Acquisition

  • Sensor carrying test platform

  • Acoustic platform

  • Underwater rescue and salvage

  • Engineering investigation


Use and Delivery Cases

Tracking and detection of underwater moving targets

Undertook the underwater moving target detection task of a naval college, used PX210AUV (equipped with BlueViewM900 forward-looking sonar) to carry out operation services in Qingdao Bay, completed the continuous tracking and detection of the moving target of the towed body, obtained a large number of test data, which provided strong support for the project acceptance!


as a magnetic signal target for underwater operations

Undertook the magnetic target detection task of a simulated submarine in a shandong institute. PX324AUV products were used as magnetic measurement targets to conduct side-line navigation underwater with a distance of 2 meters between side-lines, depth determination accuracy within 1 meter, and continuous navigation distance of more than 10km. The PX-324AUV completed its mission with excellent navigation and control capabilities.


Carrying out test experiments with composite shells

The PX324AUV carried the new composite material body in a lab of Shandong University and operated continuously for more than 5 hours at a water depth of more than 1500 meters, fully verifying the performance of the new composite material and the excellent performance of the equipment, which was well received by the users.


Simulated frogman for noise signal test operations

It undertakes the target detection task of simulating frogman noise in a naval academy. The aircraft simulates the frogman approaching the port. It is required to have underwater working modes such as sitting on the bottom and hovering in the water. The px-180arv is equipped with 5 thrusters and has the function of 5 degrees of freedom to perform work. It has excellently completed the movement mode of imitating frogman.


Monitoring of marine organisms such as jellyfish at the intake of a nuclear power plant in Dalian

Undertaking the jellyfish monitoring task of a center of the Ministry of Natural Resources, it is required to carry a high-precision 3D imaging sonar for underwater 5m stable navigation detection. The project used PX-324AUV with ARIS sonar to carry out jellyfish detection products in the water intake area of the nuclear power plant. During the mission, the vehicle operated stably and obtained a large amount of sonar data, which provided technical support for jellyfish management at the water intake of the nuclear power plant.


Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Cross-Sea Bridge pier structural testing operations

Undertake the structural inspection of the piers of Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay sea crossing bridge entrusted by Qingdao exploration and Research Institute. In this project, the PX-210 aircraft is used to carry 900/1800khz dual frequency sonar, and the navigation mode around the piers is adopted to complete the structural inspection of 180 piers in the east section of the sea crossing bridge. The obtained side scan detection data provide an important reference for the daily maintenance of the piers.

